there is one God, eternally existing in three persons; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, bodily resurrection, and ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power in glory. We believe that the Bible is God's written revelation to man, and that it is verbally inspired, authoritative and without error. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but because of sin, was alienated from God. Only through faith, trusting in Christ alone for salvation which was made possible by His death and resurrection, can that alienation be removed, and the unsaved made into a child of God. We believe that all people were created to exist eternally and will spend eternity either in the presence of God in Heaven or bereft of that presence in hell. We believe that once salvation is given it will never be revoked, as it was given and is maintained by the grace of God and not through the works (or lack thereof) of the believer.
as we believe, by the Spirit of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; And on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
We do now, in the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ. We engage, therefore, by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this church, in knowledge, holiness, and comfort, To promote its prosperity and spirituality; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines; To contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations. We also engage to maintain family and secret devotions, to religiously educate our children; to seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances;
in the world; to be just in our dealings, faithful in our engagements, and exemplary In our deportment;
To avoid all tattling, backbiting, and excessive anger;
To abstain from partaking and engaging in actions that will cause our brother to stumble or that will bring reproach upon the cause of Christ; and to earnestly seek to live to the honor and glory of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.
We further engage to watch over one another in brotherly love;
To remember each other in prayer: to aid each other in sickness and distress; to cultivate Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech;
To be slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation, and mindful of the rules of our Savior to secure it without delay.
We moreover engage that when we remove from this place we will as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God s word.
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life." Romans 6:23
"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
If you would like more information on how you can accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and change your life, please call us at (218) 283-3598
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